Friday, March 25, 2011

New Companion!

Last week Alex got a new companion. His name is Elder Mejia and he is from Honduras. It is the first time he has been excited about one of his companions since Elder Reid (his first).

It is so nice to read about all the adventures and testimony building experiences they are having while teaching the people of El Salvador the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The area he is in is difficult and they have to spend a lot of time working with the members and teach them how a ward / branch is supposed to run. He is learning so much. It makes my heart swell with joy to see him growing into such a wonderful, strong young man!

This is the house Alex shares with 3 other Elders. I am pretty sure he will really apprecicate all he has when he get's home!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Update From El Salvador

This is the city of Coujutepeque with the San Vicente volcano in the background.

Catching a ride into San Vicente for District Conference - February 2011
As a mom, I am trying not to wonder if they actually knew the person driving the truck - let alone the fact that they are in the pack of a pick-up for the 10 mile drive!

Lunch with the district - February 2011
Such handsome young men.

My Music