Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Idea of a Great Mother's Day Weekend!

This Mother's Day weekend was my idea of perfect. It may seem a little unconventional to some, but for me at this point in my life, it was great. David took my two little boys to the coast for the annual Father and Son's outing. So, with Abby and Alex (who could not go because he was swimming in league championships) in school - I had all day Friday to myself! Yeah!!! I went to the mall. It took me a while to figure out what I was doing though. I'm so used to stopping by some snack spot to get something to bribe Josh and then hurrying to get the needed purchases while making sure Josh (who feels that he is way too big for any type of stroller by the way) does not pull clothes from racks, or escape the store before he begins to whine that he wants to go home. Anyway, I was actually able to take my time and shop and actually try things on before buying. I then treated myself to In-n-Out, fun! That evening I went to watch Alex swim in the WYL league championships - his school came in 2nd in the league. Saturday I got to spend time with my brother Jonathon and his son Lance. We all took my mom out to a late lunch at our favorite Mexican Restaurant - and then I just hung out and relaxed and watched some "chick flicks". Sunday morning Abby and Alex fixed me breakfast, and David and the little boys got home in time for David to go to church with me and then they took care of dinner! It has been so long that I have had time away from the little boys, that it was really relaxing to just be able to come and go as I pleased and not have to worry about chasing boys or cooking! I was glad when they came home - it's just not the same without my whole gang around!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Well, I lived through another prom. I actually thought that it was going to be easier with Alex then it was with Michelle - you know that whole girl vs. boy thing. Well, you may not have to spend the time picking out the right "modest" dress, shoes, getting the hair and nails done and all headaches that go along with it, but.... teenage boys being who they are provide a whole other headache! Being that they are male, and in our case a little brain dead at times, trying to get him to fill us in on where, when and how this date was going to take place and how he was going to pay for things and how much it was going to cost was trying. His group (five couples) did decide to have myself and another mom have a dinner for them. That was really fun - great to see all these terrific kids all dressed up and so excited. But, the irony of the whole "prom hype" is that the dance starts at 9:00pm and they left the dance at 11:15! They spend so much time planning, preparing and primping for a formal dance that they only stayed at for 2 hours and 15 minutes. But, being the proud mom that I am, I do have to admit that my son looked quite handsome and
his sweet date Megan looked beautiful.

My Music