Monday, April 21, 2008

Blogging Handicapped!

Okay, I admitting it! I am totally handicapped when it comes to my blog. I have suspected it all along, but this morning it has been confirmed! I was checking out several friends blogs, and when doing so was greeted by music - their favorite music! I told myslef - "Ginny, you can do that to your blog - try it". So...I! It has confirmed what I already knew but was afraid to admit - only those under 30 can figure these things out. Not those of us who went to high school before the invention of the personal computer or the internet! I give up...for now...I will probably have to get Alex to help me (Ben could probably even figure it out)! Oh, by the do you put a custom background in there? Can't figure out how to do anything but use the template! I know....loooossser!


Michelle Gould said...

yeah I guess you are handicapped but I am too. Oh and you got our wedding date wrong on our picture. the 28th of december.

Jesse said...

By way of consolation, I'm still slightly under 30 and have plenty of bloggy challenges.

I just love seeing all the pictures of your family.

Pollock Palooza said...

Oh just click on someone else's music and it'll set you up, or have one of your kids do it:) But wait a minute... when did Michelle get married?!!! I can totally believe someone snatched her up- beautiful!

My Music